
Is your yarn always coming unraveled? Do you often struggle with knots? Have you wasted precious knitting time detangling your beautiful neatly wound yarn? Well, knitters we have the tools for you: the Skein Coats!

Skein Coats are a solution for taming any yarn skein, ball or cake. They are lightweight, portable, reusable, they prevent tangles and keep your yarn clean and neat. It's fast, it's easy and it works. Made from fabric that stretches & contracts, just cover your yarn with a Skein Coat and throw it in your knitting bag. Your yarn always stays neat and clean no matter how many times you've pulled it out to knit. You can squish it in your bag for knitting on-the-go and best of all they don't break and aren't bulky.

Measurements: 5" tall & 4.5" wide ♥ Fits most wound center pull cakes.


Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Christine Feeney
A great solution

I bought the skein coats after seeing them on Facebook in someone’s post. I am so very glad to have them! Now my yarn is nice and neat! Also, my puppy had gotten a skein of yarn (before I got a skein coat) and made quite a mess of my yarn!! Now if she grabs the yarn and runs away i know she won’t tangle it all up. Now I just follow her and the yarn is still in a ball just some loose yarn to wind, not a huge clump of tangled yarn!

Cynthia Wood
Skein coat

Love it!! Keeps yarn flowing smoothly

Carolyn King
Love my skin coat with sushi print.

Perfect solution for soft yarn that unwinds itself as you knit with it. Perfect solution.


Works great and it cute.

Love Skein Coats

First time using a skein coat and I’m hooked! Keeps the yarn tidy and holds the yarn down to the last bit. Very pleased. Plan to buy more.
