
As its name says, this sock pattern is worked from the heel. The heel starts as a toes-up sock and then, increase to get the total sts needed to work the leg and foot.

This original and FREE sock pattern is a design by Louise Robert for Biscotte Yarns.

In addition to the pattern, you will need the following material to knit Socks by the Heel:

This pattern is offered as a PDF file: a link to download the pattern will appear at the end of your order and sent by email as well. Thank you for your interest in Biscotte Yarns & patterns!!

2018-09-23: correction of row 7 - Transition Short Row section, we should read "SL1-GSR, p1, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, ssk, p2, k2, turn."

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Customer Reviews

Based on 80 reviews
Michele Ellis
Socks by the heel

Very nice pattern, for beautiful socks

Janine C
Theyโ€™re in my queue

Exciting! Canโ€™t wait til the ones Iโ€™m making are complete so I can get started on these.

Dimphie Mulders
Stoรฏque Socks

Iโ€™m just getting started and Iโ€™m so happy with this clearly described Pattern.
Thank you for that!
I post a photo on ravelry.

Penny Harrison
Too Soon!

Sorry, but I am behind on other knitting projects. I was looking a pattern that I could knit by the fire later this winter. I'm glad to know I've got one already!

Rebecca Clements
I couldnโ€™t get it to work

I didnโ€™t find the instructions clear and had to give up and start another pattern
