
Andrea Yetman is inviting you to travel Land & Sea with her new design inspired by Biscotte’s Mini skeins in Nature 🌱.

One look at this lovely collection of little skeins and I instantly thought Land…and…Sea!!! I knew I had to fade these skeins and make a lightweight cardigan in Reverse Stockinette for a little texture. Worn with 2-4 inches of positive ease for comfort and Biscotte’s Bis-sock for that next to skin softness, this little cardigan is bound to take you on all your land and sea adventures! - Andrea


Biscotte Yarns: Bis-Sock 400m / 460yds / 85% Merino and 15% Nylon: 1200 (1340, 1460, 1600, 1780, 1960) yds

The sample was made in size XS and used 2 Biscotte Yarn Mini Sets in Nature. Yarn sets needed for each size: 2 (2, 2, 2, 3, 3)



GAUGE 25sts and 34 rows = 4 inches; 10 cm on Stockinette stitch.)


XS (S, M, L, XL, XXL)


Land & Sea cardigan is knit top to bottom. After casting on you will work back and forth casting on additional stitches at the beginning and end of the needles on the wrong side rows as indicated to shape the neckline. To cast on the stitches at the beginning and end of the rows the Knitted Cast On method is recommended as it is nice and sturdy. The Raglan increases will be worked at the same time as you are casting on the additional stitches for the neckline shaping. I suggest reading through the Raglan Increases section before starting!

Click HERE to see the technique of crocheting a slip stitch along the edges to pick up the stitches in for the collar and front bands or pick up stitches in your preferred method. Feel free to play with colors and fade your cardigan however you like! To follow the sample, the first color was knit for 15 rows at which point the new color was added and alternated with the first color for 6 rows. The first color was then dropped off and only the second color was used. Repeat for as many colors you like! The fading sections for the sleeves were shortened from 15 rows, to 12 rows, 9 rows, and then down to 6 rows all while still alternating the current color with the next color for 6 rows. This is your cardigan to personalize and make your own!

ERRATUM 2019/06/06: Sleeve separation should be on a WS row, purling instead of knitting.

2023-09-26: On the row sleeve separation, the raglan stitch must be knitted purlwise.


Customer Reviews

Based on 119 reviews
A New Go-To!

This was my first cardigan, and I LOVED making it! I compiled all my beachy-themed one-off yarns (those "ooh, shiny" impulse moments, if you will) to honor the pattern name. Pattern was very easy to follow, and I absolutely love wearing the results! I'm definitely going to make it again!

dianne michael

Love the looks of the Land and Sea cardigan pattern. I have not started to knit it yet because I need to finish my current project.

Kim Diehl
Land & Sea Cardigan

The pattern is beautiful. I have not had time to make it yet.

Susan Stevens

Just what I was looking for to use up all those gorgeous leftovers

Carolyn Connerton
Land & Sea Cardigan

Took me awhile to figure out the pattern but once I did no problems. I'm half way finished. One thing I'd like to see is to have stitch counts on more of the beginning rows.
